Licensing performance

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The department regulates a wide range of industrial activities, including building and energy, WorkSafe high risk work, dangerous goods, consumer protection and mining and petroleum exploration and development activities. The department receives and processes around 120,000 licence applications a year.

Why do we measure licensing performance?

Licensing imposes rules and requirements on organisations and occupations that are intended to reduce the risk of harm to people, the environment or the economy. We believe licensing schemes are public assets and the delivery of licensing services should be transparent. Public reporting provides information about departmental processing timelines, the number of licences and industry trends.

How do we measure licensing performance?

Like other WA Government agencies, we measure licensing performance in business days. Performance is reported as the percentage of licence applications finalised against a target timeline.

We aim to finalise at least 80 per cent of licence applications within the target timeline (Figure 1).

Occupational licensing performance reporting commenced in the June quarter, 2021.

Performance is reported as the average number of business days compared to a target timeline (Figure 1).

The report includes the number of applications finalised for the report period.  

The department's occupational licensing performance report format reflects stakeholder feedback.


We also report on the total timeline for key licensing processes.

This refers to the period between the date the application is lodged to the date it is finalised, and includes time spent by the department, applicant, other government agencies and third parties. The total timeline can be important for project planning and financial decision making.

we receive and process around 120,000 applications a year. We administer around 100 types of licences.

Snapshot of our approvals performance reporting (Mining and Petroleum) – June Quarter, 2024

Download the report

Archive of the quarterly DEMIRS approval performance reports

Snapshot of the department's Occupational Licensing performance reports – June Quarter, 2024

Download the report

Enquiries regarding the department's licensing performance reporting may be directed to

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