Freedom of information

This page is for: 

Applications under the Freedom of Information Act 1992

The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA) (FOI Act) provides the public with a general right to apply for access to documents held by government agencies. Access to documents is subject to the exemptions of the FOI Act. This can include sensitive business information and personal information of other persons.

Tip: The FOI process is available to you for requesting access to documents, not answering queries. Please direct any queries not related to FOI to the relevant business area.

Where we can, we make documents available outside the FOI process.

For more information about access to documents held by us, please refer to our Information Statement.

General FOI information, and information about the exemptions, is also available by accessing the Office of the Information Commissioner’s website.

Before you apply

Prior to applying for access to documents, ensure that you have your ID and any authorisations available to attach to your application. An authority is required where you are applying on behalf of another person or a company. Your ID is required to verify your identity.

If you are applying for documents relating to a WorkSafe investigation and are unsure whether the investigation has been finalised, please contact our office.

Submitting a valid application and processing times

In order to submit a valid application, your application must: 

  • be submitted using our online form or you can lodge a completed written application form;
  • include a current postal address in Australia;
  • include identification and, where applicable, a letter of authority;
  • contain enough information so that we can identify the document(s) you are requesting; 
  • be as clear and concise as possible (this will assist in processing your application as soon as possible); and
  • be accompanied by the application fee if you are submitting a non-personal information application.

Tip: If your request is too broad (for example “all documents”) you will be asked to narrow the scope of your application. Your application must be specific to ensure that documents can be located.

Applications will be processed within 45 days of receipt of a valid application. An extension may be requested where the agency is unable to meet the 45 day period.

Application fee and charges

An application fee of $30.00 must be received for non-personal information applications before the application is considered valid. This fee is prescribed by the FOI Act and is non-refundable.

Additional charges may apply for processing applications.  For further details please refer to our Information Statement.

Secure online payment can be made by payment card (we accept Visa and Mastercard) using our online application form or when lodging your application in person.  When submitting your application via post, cheques and money orders are accepted and should be made payable to the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.

There are no fees payable for personal information applications.

What next?

When your application is received, you will be sent an acknowledgement including a date when the response is due. Applications are processed in order of receipt. Processing includes identifying and locating documents that meet the scope of your application, consulting with relevant parties, redacting exempt matter, and providing an access decision.

Tip: The FOI Act requires consultation with third parties before their information can be released unless you provide a letter of authority from the third party.

You will be contacted by the FOI team should they require additional information to process your application.

Application forms

You can apply under the FOI Act for access to documents held by us using one of the following two methods:

  1. Online Form:  Complete and submit your application online.
  2. Download an application form: Download, print, complete, and lodge your completed application form, relevant attachments and applicable application fee as follows:

By post

FOI Coordinator
Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
Locked Bag 100

In person

Mineral House
100 Plain Street
East Perth


Mason Bird Building
303 Sevenoaks Street


We value your privacy.  Once submitted, forms are classified as OFFICIAL SENSITIVE in accordance with the Western Australian Information Classification Policy.  Any information you provide will be dealt with in accordance with the FOI Act and our Privacy Policy.

Contact us

FOI enquiries should be directed to:

Ph:  9222 3233

FOI Coordinator
Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
Locked Bag 100
East Perth WA 6892

Queries unrelated to FOI should be directed to the relevant business area.

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